Overall Health And Nutrition In The United States

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In the quest for overall health and wellness, one of the first things typically assessed is a person’s diet. It is common knowledge that nutrition is one of the most important factors in determining the future of one’s health and numerous studies are published every year on how to eat and be healthy. Nevertheless, the nutritional guidelines recommended by the government are continually changing and much of the published research into the science of nutritional health is often contradictory. “In the United States, a lifestyle pattern at odds with health---inclusive, but not limited to, poor dietary choices---is linked to a growing disparity between life span, the length of life per se, and health span, defined as years of healthy life. Globally, lifestyle-related chronic disease constitutes an enormous and growing burden” (Katz & Meller, 2014, p. 84). In response, more and more diet plans keep entering into the health scene as companies’ attempt to cash in on the billions of dollars spent by patients looking to cure chronic illness with nutrition. …show more content…

With all the diet options available to choose from, how can anyone be sure which is one right? At present, it’s possible that we may not have all the answers. However, scientific research does provide some insight as to what may or may not be best for

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