Over-The-Rhine Research Papers

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Purpose of the Project Over-The-Rhine is Cincinnati’s most historically built neighborhood, filled with beautiful italian architecture and diverse cultures. In the 19th century Over-The-Rhine was home to hundreds of german immigrants making up nearly 27% of Cincinnati’s population, but it was during the second World War where things began to decline for the neighborhood. Over-The-Rhine today is one of the country’s most economically stressed areas, with an unemployment rate of 25%, a poverty rate of 58% and the median annual income in a household less than $10,000. We had then after multiple meetings and days of research, had realized that we wanted to help the local community. Over-The-Rhine is nearly fifteen minutes away from Anderson …show more content…

We started off by having a large group discussion where all of the members made a list of every place where they work and their fundraising opportunities. We were able to set up fundraisers with Chipotle where we received 50% of all revenue from customers who mentioned “Turpin FBLA”. We then also had a series of fundraisers with Skyline Chili where we would receive 20% of all revenue. They also let us set up a coat drive called “Coats for Coneys” where people could bring in a winter coat in exchange for a coupon for two coney dogs. This was a wild success as the majority of the coats we received were from them. Project Evaluation In order to have an effective evaluation, we needed to set goals. When we began the project , our goals were to feed at least 100 people, as a chapter record over 100 hours volunteering at the Wesley Chapel Mission Center (WCMC), collect 150 coats, and raise $1000. Yet, with hard work, and hours of preparation, we surpassed those goals. We fed over 180 people, volunteered over 210 hours and collected over 350 coats as well as many pairs of gloves and other winter accessories. On top of that, we also beat our goal of raising $1000 by raising an amazing $3,096.29. Implementation of the Project The project was entirely implemented by chapter members. The members intiated all of the conversations with the staff at the mission center as well as the church leaders at the church where our event was located. The members volunteered at the center by themselves and worked with the

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