Outline On The Berlin Wall

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Tear down this wall Intro: What if I told you that Berlin, a city, was once separated like two different countries? This wall slashed through the rights of the people of Germany. People have the right to go and live where they choose. Constructing a wall to trap and limit people was wrong. The people of Germany were oppressed economically and politically. The Berlin Wall split a city, of people, tearing apart families and friends for decades, and becoming a powerful symbol of the Cold War, representing the deepening divide between East and West. The building of the Berlin Wall in August 1961, dividing families and neighborhoods in what had been the capital of Germany. Which created a huge conflict around the world.

While The Berlin Wall symbolized the Cold War division of Germany, the east side of Berlin they were treated wrong. That's why they were always trying to flee to the west side. On the west side you were given more freedom to do what you wanted; the east side are communist while the west are capitalist.

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The purpose of the Berlin Wall was to keep the west side people from entering East Germany and weakening the communist state. However, because of this it tore apart families and killed many who tried to escape from the communist side. The Berlin Wall was up until November 9, 1989. President Ronald Reagan visited Berlin and addressed its citizens. He said that Americans loved Berliners' "courage and determination." He also called the wall a "brutal division of a continent upon the mind of the world. Still to this day, the Berlin Wall remains as one of the most powerful symbols of the Cold

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