Outline On Rosa Parks

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Topic Sentence: Rosa Parks was born on Feb 4,1913,in Tuskegee Alabama and she was a great hero to many people because she had courage to stand up for what she believes into white people. Also she was strong willed.She was tired of being treated unfair from white people Background/Build-up: “Living in a racist segregated world was hard but the only life Rosa Parks knew.Bus drivers had power just like a police officer while driving a bus.African American people and white people were separated by a sign on the bus or a line drawn down the middle .When a African American boarded the bus they had to get on at the front to pay the fare and then get off and reboard on the bus at the back door.” If there were no more seats left on the bus for a white person then the African American person would have to give up their seat for the white people. “Growing up Rosa Parks was always around racism.Rosa lived on the Edwards farm when she was young,in one instance Rosa’s Grandfather stood in the front of their house with a shotgun while Kuklux Klan marched down the street.” …show more content…

Background/Build-up: “After Rosa Parks was arrested E.D. Nixon,head of the NAACP,told all the African American people to ride on buses on Dec 5,1955,which was the day of her trial in protest of her

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