Outline For Lord Of The Flies Dbq Essay

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Many kids have crashed the plane into a stranded island. The main boys of the story are Ralph who is chief or captain, Jack who is a bully, piggy who is smart, and last but not least simon. Along the way they were not the only ones... they had the littleluns.

Documents A and B is showing the book is having Fear. In document A it says “ To people the darkness of night and the forest with spirits and demons which had previously appeared only in their dreams or fairy tales”. This document tells us that demons are nightmares and in the darkness of forest. The first people of the darkness are the littleluns. The quote of “with spirits and demons” means being scared of the beastie in the darkness. The fear comes real when they say the beastie is on the island.

Document B is also talking in fear. The person who has seen the snake or the beastie is the boy with the birthmark. Ralph says it’s impossible theirs a beastie to him because the island isn’t big for him. The boy that says about the beastie in the morning was is they turn into ropes in the trees and from the branches. If jack finds the beast he will hunt it and ralph is having the fear …show more content…

Document C is talking about war with the author William Golding. A protagonist is the main person in the story. A definition of Off stage protagonist is the war of the main character. The most impactful war William Golding was in World War Two. The words that William Golding describes the beast are “ Scared, in human, and alien.” Document D is talking war of “ The Lord of the Flies” with the characters. The Top of Document D says “ this war lead to the boys’ evacuation from England and to the crash landing plane of their evacuation plane.” The children that have landed on the island don’t know what is happening. The kids did see a dead parachute man in the air and that was a sign they got. The only kids who saw the dead parachute man were Sam and

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