Our Ford Dialectical Journal

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JIAMAE: What year do you think this story is taking place? It seems so far in the future because of what they are doing to create humans. They said the World State motto was about Community, Identity, Stability and all that and it says it takes place in the Central London Hatchery, so how many years do you think has passed for it to come to this kind of world. On page 32 in Chapter 3 the Director said "For a very long period before the time of Our Ford, and even for some generations afterwards, erotic play between children had been regarded as abnormal... immoral." It must be decently far in the future because for erotic play to be normal with children is very uncommon and looked down upon in our society now even though the age when people …show more content…

And for those huge languages to fall out of place in society must have taken hundreds of years. Also the entire world has become very like… united. I agree that the whole sexual thing is pretty odd, and it really must have been shocking to read this book back in the days when it was written when it was even less common. The promiscuous ideas it portraits in the texts is disturbing even today. I was also wondering what Ford was, it seems pretty important to …show more content…

But why Ford out of all things. Right now nothing links to that except for the car company. Is it supposed to reflect how the Ford Company started the entire industry to even start producing cars, and how now they are starting to produce humans? I'm not quite sure what Ford is really representing but it is something along the lines of a role model type person I'm guessing. Anyways, it was such a surprise to see someone who didn't think like the rest of the characters in the book (Bernard). Especially how he isn't like brainwashed into what the World State wants him to think. They are creating over like 10,000 identical humans from the same woman. Like that completely demolishes any kind of individual thoughts. But I also think that later in the book somebody who doesn't agree with what is going on right now in their world is going to do something to change it. Bernard disagreed with what their society decided was moral so maybe he is going to protest or go on a big, "brave" adventure to change this "new world" Back to the creating over 10,000 identical humans, are they only doing this in London where this story takes place or all around the world. Isn't the world already overpopulated right now and aren't people predicting it will be even more populated? Why are they producing so many humans so

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