Our Day Out by Willy Russell

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Our Day Out by Willy Russell

Our day out was written in 1977. It originated from Willy Russell's

experiences at Shorefields Comprehensive school where he taught from

1973 - 1974. during that year that he taught, Russell accompanied the

teacher of the remedial department, Mrs Dorothy King, on a trip which

was to Conway castle and zoo for the children in her care, and at the

last minute, a Deputy head teacher also joined them in going to the

trip, and created a potential recipe for disaster. But during the

course of the day however the deputy head teacher relaxed and had a

nice time but then he went back to his usual self at the end of the

day. By doing this he destroyed all the achievement he had made that

day. Clearly all the things that happened on that day where written in

Willy Russell's play.

Mrs Kay is the teacher of the progress class and is the leader of the

day out. Mrs kay is first presented as a woman who wants to organize

the children. The audiences first impression of Mrs Kay is that she is

a very generous person and likes the kids, an example of this is when

Reilly asks Mrs kay if he can come with them to the trip and she tells

him to ask his form teacher who is Mr Briggs. Mrs Kay has the kids

sussed out because when she tells them to get permission she tells

them to bring a note because she know that they will hide round the

corner for about ten minutes and then say that they could go.

When the children are about to get into the coach the driver stops

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