Othello Tragic Hero Essay

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A tragic hero is a character in a tragedy whose tragic flaw leads to their inevitable downfall. In Shakespeare’s Othello, Othello bears the title of a tragic hero. Othello is a tragic hero because he has the fatal flaw of jealousy, he is liked by the audience and Othello changes society.
Othello initially is a tragic hero because he is liked by the audience. The audience admires Othello for being a respected hero and high ranked, doing so much for the government. This gives the audience a reason to see him as a hero of Cyprus making him a tragic hero. Othello furthermore assures the audience’s liking by being humble. Though an honorable general, Othello does not brag claiming “From men of royal siege, and my demerits / May speak unbonneted, to as proud a fortune” (1.2.22-23). Othello discloses that he is from a royal family, however chooses to speak (without his hat) on equal terms. This makes Othello humble in the audience’s eyes. Othello additionally has the character trait of being very loving to Desdemona stating “But that [he] love the gentle Desdemona” (1.2.25). Though their love starts to stumble, Othello …show more content…

The Outcome of his death brings justice to Iago by sending him away to be tortured. This justice for the villain proves that good will eventually conquer evil. Subsequently, Othello’s death leads Cassio to gain the title of the general. This proves that Othello, the hero, has an impact on society after his death both with the villain and a bring justice to those who deserve it. Finally, Othello’s death is to be told to everyone about an honest black man being fooled by an evil white man. It is said by Lodovico that, “[He] will straight abroad, and to the state/ This heavy act with heavy heart relate” (5.2.366-367). Lodovico will tell the state/government about Othello’s hardships to bring truth to the story of Othello. With Othello altering society after his death he is considered a tragic

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