Oscar Wilde- The Writer

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Throughout history, writers have made a larger impact on the world than any other type of people. Some have done more than others and are recognized more widely therefore. One prime example of an intellectual with a wide-spread influence on the world through his writing is none other than Oscar Wilde. His success can be traced to his abilities as a writer and an intellectual. His life has been full of harsh impacts and inspirations that have affected his style of writing to lead him to his fame amongst avid readers and scholars. Without the challenges, roadblocks, and hardships that Oscar Wilde faced, some of his writings may have never even been written.
Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Willis Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin, Ireland to William and Jane Wilde. While growing up Oscar lived a childhood under his “indulgent and loving” parents who were “happy and carefree” (Cavendish 54). An individual who lives such a cheerful infancy, and an intimate relationship with his family would be expected to live the most unadulterated of lives. While enduring a satisfactory early life at home, he also excelled in school and showed early signs of future success as a scholar and a writer. At the ripe age of 16, Wilde developed a “passionate interest in the classics, particularly Greek" (Cavendish 54). In addition to his eventual success, he does become happily married to the “beautiful Constance Lloyd in 1884 and set up home in Chelsea, London” (Cavendish 56). After their marriage, Wilde and Constance had two young boys, Cyril and Vyvyan. In addition to many other traits, Wilde is remembered as a “loving father to his two sons" (Watkin 47). While being the ideal dad, he possessed a personality comprised of a “kind, generous, and though...

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...holars and his loyal fans will ensure that the legacy of Oscar Wilde remains alive for generations to come so that no one will ever forget his memorable and influential life.

Works Cited

Bloom, Harold. Bloom's Classic Critical Views: Oscar Wilde. New York City: Infobuse Publishing, 2008. Print.
Bustillos, Maria. "The Vexed Posthumous Life of Oscar Wilde." The Awl. 12 Jun 2012: n. page. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.
Gately, Nicole, ed. "Oscar Wilde." CMG Worldwide. CMG Solutions, 12 Aug 2005. Web. 6 Mar 2014.
Great Writers of the English Language: Nineteenth-Century British Writers. North Bellmore: Marshal Cavendish Corporation, 1991. Print.
Watkin, Amy. Bloom's How to Write About Oscar Wilde. New York City: Infobuse Publishing, 2010. Print.
Winterson, Jeanette. "Why we need fairytales: Jeanette Winterson on Oscar Wilde." Guardian. 16 Oct 2013: n. page. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.

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