Origin Of Happiness

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This feeling does not just occur, happiness has to be made, it has to be formed, produced, and emotionally expressed. For me, the way I can encounter happiness is different compared to others because it lets me escape reality. Happiness can be abandoned if there is not a healthy relationship with yourself. Happiness can be a way to improve mental and physical health in an individual.
Happiness varies from individual to individual. There are different reasons why people get happy. My origin of happiness comes from my faith. My faith has taken me to distances I cannot explain. The low times in my life were the times where I walked away from my religion. I never noticed it until my dad had a conversation with me. He made me notice that my social …show more content…

Once you’re capable of loving yourself, then happiness can start to come easier. Otherwise it is difficult to give that appreciating love and happiness to others on a daily basis. I always remind myself of what my priest once said, which is that, “in order to serve on this teen acts retreat you need to be physically, emotionally, and spiritually prepared”. I have followed this saying ever since. On A.C.T.S retreats, you are on a journey with these teens that have gone through a lot of pain, and demoralizing experiences, and then there are some that are trying to find who they are. When you are serving on retreats you have to be strong and ready to face the adversity of the individual’s situation or experience. The only way you are able to get through helping out these retreat is if you yourself are prepared. These teens are seeking your love and happiness from within you. The feeling we try to create for the teens when they come out of retreat is a “Jesus high”. Retreats are meant to show the Catholic faith’s happiness that comes from the retreat’ team staff and most importantly The Holy Spirt. Once you have a correct understanding of who you are, you will be able to give happiness to

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