Organized Crime In Lord Of War

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According to the United Nations Offices on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) “the organized crime threatens peace and human security, violates human rights and undermines economic, social, cultural, political and civil development of societies around the world”. Some of its different forms are financial crime, cybercrime, trafficking in firearms, drugs and persons.
The movie "Lord of war" is a real representation of the complex system that organized crime is, and shows how a unique form cannot work in isolation. Also, actions implied corruption, violence, extortions, manipulations and briberies which are work activities of this. Clearly, the movie displays a solid criminal network of high-ranking public officials bought off in order to avoid laws in …show more content…

Government of United States is working on a new name called TOC (Transnational Organized Crime) this one reflects its reach and potential from drugs, weapon and human trafficking with the terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, or now-a-days Islamist.
TOC represents a national threat to financial thru cybercrime and sophisticated fraud systems in order to create terror campaigns, weapons and a big amount of victims. TOC includes all type of crimes such as: Financial fraud, Counterfeits Good, Money Laundering, terrorist financing, drugs, human and weapons trafficking, Cybercrime, and Migrant smuggling.
Additionally we are getting an increased of communications thru cell phones, emails and more inetrnet organizations to expand their reach around the world. The rise of this social medias have been dramaticallly increased their capacity to connect and sell stole properties for example personal identities and credit cards and generate a big amount of incomes thru fraud systems, regarding the terroris groups social media has become a valuable tool to recruit and know new members, this is an important factor of this organizations and a big threat such as the one we have recently experience like the Boston Marathon or how ISIS recruit their members or how they communicate each other their

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