Organ Sales Will Save Lives Summary

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Joanna Mackay is the author of the article “Organs sales will saves lives,” saying that the best way to stop people from dying while on a kidney transplant list, and to help the 350,000+ people with end-stage renal disease, is to throw all morals out the window and take them from the “peasants” (MacKay 158 ) in third world countries. Since the poor are worthless, and only rich matter. Not only does MacKay say that it will help save lives in America, but that it will also better the lives of the poor. MacKay says that in return for taking their kidneys, they will receive a small thing of cash. She takes this to the extreme and says that this will bring the poor out poverty. These assumptions she makes in the article, prove to be a catastrophic flaw in her writing. Mackay makes these faulty statements like the ones used above, saying the poor are worthless and that we should only worry about saving the rich. Another major assumption MacKay makes is that the poor will do anything for cash. These are the flaws that hurts MacKays writing the most, …show more content…

She does this by putting herself and rich people on a pedestal, showing that they are worth far more than anyone in a third world countries. She demeans the poor by using derogatory terms when she refers to people in third world countries such as “these people.”(158) Implying that they are not even good enough to get a name, showing that they are a waste of MacKay’s time. She uses statements that make you think she has no morals, including that there desperate and would do anything to better their condition, which includes selling a part of their bodies specifically their kidneys and that they should honor her in doing so, kinda like hitler who killed the jews for the “greater good” since they in her mind are just “peasants”(158) MacKay makes it feel like they are bettering the world by taking their

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