Ordinary Actions In The Play Our Town By Thornton Wilder

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Ordinary actions piece together to form extraordinary lives. Written by Thornton Wilder in 1938, Our Town is a play acted with minimal scenery to give the viewer a greater opportunity to imagine their own town. Set in 1901 in Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire, Our Town documents the lives and interactions of two families— the Gibbs and the Webbs. Acted in three parts that all describe the smallest actions that we complete everyday without noticing, the first act shows the “Daily Life,” the second act demonstrates love and marriage found in life, and the third shows death and the end of one’s life. Wilder’s purpose of writing Our Town is to explain how daily, habitual actions come together without us noticing and to help demonstrate that those …show more content…

In the beginning of Act II, the stage manager is reminiscing over how well Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Webb raised their children. Both mothers raised two kids of similar ages and their days consisted of nearly identical schedules. Describing Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Webb, the stage manager remarks, “You’ve got to love life to have life, and you’ve got to have life to love life. . . . It’s what they call a vicious circle” (Wilder, 94). By saying this, the stage manager is emphasizing the mothers love for their children. The mothers are waking up every morning and making breakfast for their kids and receive little appreciation. Even with the little appreciation, they continue to make breakfast, which is part of their life, and because it’s part of their life, they love life. This also demonstrates the theme of how family love is central the families in Our Town. making breakfast is a central part of their lives, and this actions is completed as a sign of love for their …show more content…

Once Emily has died, the play continues into the afterlife in Heaven. Here she meets the other citizens of Grover’s Corners who have passed away. A right to being in Heaven is that you can go back to your life on Earth and not only relive it, but rewatch it knowing what the future brings. Even with push back from her companions in Heaven, Emily decides to relive her twelfth birthday.
Frantically reliving and watching her previous life, Emily inquires to her parents, ““Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it?—every, every minute?” (Wilder, 182). Emily is terrified on Earth because she knows her future. She is not disappointed with the actions she made on Earth, but she is disappointed that she didn’t appreciate the little actions in life. She carried herself through life like it would never end and she never needed to acknowledge the importance of those little actions. Being an example of the theme that life is a series of thoughtless events that make up one impactful life, Emily wishes she appreciated her small actions instead of taking them for

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