Orca Research Paper

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Killer whales also known as orcas, have been around for millions of years and are the largest mammals in the dolphin family. They can be found in all seas from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Killer whales feed on other mammals and even some birds. With these whales feeding off and onshore at times, they are drawn to human fisheries and trapped (“Killer Whale”), as well as being spread out among the oceans, killer whales have been the target of hunters for over centuries. Before 1981, around 6,000 killer whales were hunted and killed by Japanese, Norwegian, and Soviet whalers (“Killer Whales Endangered - Killer Whale Facts and Information”). They have been hunted for many reasons such as the use of their blubber, meat and internal organs to be used as fish bait, but the most popular and talked about is the whales being put in captivity. These large mammals should not be captured or held …show more content…

Orcas remain close to their pods and the female’s offspring always stay close nearby. During the hunting process, the mother and its young ones are separated and the young whales are the ones that the scouter’s target due to them having more years left than the older ones. It takes a lot to capture one of these mammals because they are so large, and trying to capture more than one at once the scouters have to use large gill nets. In the process of retrieving the orcas from the ocean, at least one of the mammals will drown or suffocate and die (Blackfish, Dir. Gabriela Cowperthwaite. Dogwoof, 2013. Film). Once removed from their expanse oceans, they are forced into small spaces with little water and transported to different parks and put in a small pool of water. Just the act of the transportation alone can put a lot of stress on these animals. Being removed and held in captivity puts stress on the animals and causes them to go through social and behavioral

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