Oprah Winfrey: Does It Means To Be A President

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Well, it’s only 2018 but many celebrities are already saying that they are going to run for President in 2020, yet many are not fitting to be president. If only there was someone that was fitting for the role, somebody like Oprah. Oprah Winfrey was born in poverty but has risen to be one of the wealthiest women in the world. She is known for her kindness and love for humanity, and she also loves bread. So, I believe that Oprah Winfrey should run for the 46th president of the United States. I believe that Oprah would be a good president as she shows many qualities that will be favorable in a president, including kindness, being a great businesswoman, being well respected and followed by millions, and having previous political experience. …show more content…

First and foremost, Oprah is a great lady of business. Since Christopher Columbus landed on the shore of America, people have come here to follow the American Dream, a dream of starting with nothing and going to the top with the power of hard work alone. Oprah is the perfect example of the American Dream; she was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi on January 29, 1954. Born out of wedlock, her parents went their separate ways soon after her birth, and she lived with her mother where she was raised in extreme poverty, often wearing potato sacks to school as clothes were too expensive, for which she was bullied about. At an early age, Oprah was also sexually abused. Luckily, at the age of 14, she moved in with her father where she then went to college. Oprah had a dream of to be on TV, and when she graduated college she got her first job as a news anchor for a local TV station. From there she got a job as the host of a daytime talk show. The show had fallen on hard times but Oprah helped bring it back to the top of the charts. This led to Oprah creating her own talk show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, which was the most-watched show on TV during its runtime. This gave Oprah her billions and has placed her as the 64th most powerful human being and 21st most powerful woman on Forbes’ list. This good management of money and economic soundness shows that Oprah can lead our country successfully. Someone who is a great example …show more content…

Well, guess what, our gal Oprah has just that, political experience! Her main form of experience comes from her help with President Obama’s campaign in 2006, and that help was not inconsequential. Many political experts say that Oprah's influence actually played a key part in Obama winning the presidency. Yes, that’s right, her influence. That whole previous paragraph was not for nothing, as I just proved that Oprah Winfrey can win the election because of how influential she is. She was so influential that one rally that she attended with the former president had to be moved due to too many people attending the rally, eventually filling up a football stadium with 29,000 people. Now THAT is some skill if you ask

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