Oppressors Essay

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The people who are oppressing the gays and lesbians could be more hospital towards them by just letting them be their selves. The problem with the oppressors are that they do not express their dislike for the people in an orderly Way. They express the hatred with actions to show how badly they do not like the group. If the people who are against the gays and lesbians used their hatred not for harmful actions but for actions like a stress class then the environment for the gays and lesbians could have an increase from hatred to the love side. However there are people that believe, if you are gay then you are a mistake and that they should just let their lives be taken from them. That let the pain, sorrowful, and sadness end now so that you …show more content…

However that is only really put that to test when others state that gays and lesbians cannot get married because of who they are or who they choose to be. Love is a strong feeling and to know who others want to spend the rest of their life with due to the emotions that they share and the spouse share are just not possible. Though people may believe that everyone gets the chance to have a happy marriage that is not true to everybody in the world. The gays and lesbians have to follow the law that is set. Though many states have vetoed this law and allowed gay marriages there are still more than 25% of the states who have yet to consider if the law be vetoed or if they just not even recognize it. Who are we the people of the government and of the United States the ones to judge what another person should do? Are we not taking away their freedom of speech? Who gave us the authority to decide what another human being should do and how they do it? These are just some of the few questions that come into play when activist try to help gays and lesbians. Many marches to uphold the same sex law normally start at the birth place of the first riot, The Stonewall

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