Oppression Of Women In Today's Society

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Being a women in today’s society is very laborious. Society decides on a person’s identity because there are certain rules in order to be considered beautiful. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. People have to decide who they want to be. The only way that a person can decide for themselves is by not allowing society to choose for them. A person is always in control of themselves. People are not forced to do anything they do not want especially when it comes to looking a certain way. Death is a part of the life cycle, but some people are afraid to die. a lot of people are afraid to die. When a certain person dies and their family or friends do not expect it, it is very devastating. After the person dies, life still keeps on going. The thing about time is that it does not care if someone is hurt. Time does not ask if you are okay. Humans just have to move on. Maybe the death feels like it is fake, but it is real. As time goes by, the pain becomes bearable. …show more content…

Magazines were also popular amongst many young women. These magazines would give beauty tips and tell you how to dress and look. Magazines would actually make it acceptable for women to be skinny. Back then having a curvy body would be considered fat. Our society was sending out the wrong messages. Those magazines changed the way women see themselves and cause them to be self-conscious. As the years go by, having a curvy body is more acceptable and being skinny means you are unhealthy. Looking different sometimes means you cannot wear certain clothes. Sometimes the type of clothes make you look different and feel self-conscious. People always want to look great and decide to show off their body in any way they can. Living with the same fear all your life is traumatizing. When we are little, we hear scary stories either from our classmates or form any of our family members. What happens when that fear impedes owning that certain

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