Opposing Views On Homelessness

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Imagine passing by a homeless man, holding up a sign saying homeless hunger, what do you do? you can do two things walk past it and ignore the man or give money. When you walk past the men then you need View A and View B. These views are the views of yours and the man, meaning that if you walk past the man you probably think “this is just one person, he can find a job and work rather than living in the street” that is View A. As you walk past the man he probably feels worthless, unwanted, not important etc. I feel like the person can only understand what the homeless man is going through if they experienced it themselves. You just say it’s just one person and he will survive, but what you don't realize is that, what if there are many more of these kind of people in a country who are suffering and dying. These people are at poverty and not a lot of people know about poverty because there is not a lot of awareness on it. …show more content…

Around the world there are 7 billion people contently being born or dying, but in those “7 billion there are over 3 billion people who are in poverty”. You probably think this is just a number, well I have to agree this is just a number but what if I tell you this is almost half of the world. Surprisingly in every 4 second a child dies. I believe that there should be a awarness on this topic because it affects people lives marjoly, this story is the point of view of a child almost going through poverty it’s from the book called What is

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