Opinion on Genetic Engineering

691 Words2 Pages

Opinion on Genetic Engineering

"Only god has the right to interfere with our genes"

Genetic engineering is when scientists manipulate the human genome to

alter 'bad' genes; these genes are responsible for all types of

diseases and conditions from cancer to the acclaimed 'fat' gene which

is responsible for the obesity crisis that the modern world is

currently facing.

This practice has been controversial one because religions and other

organizations across the world believe that genetic engineering is

playing god as it allows man to create people with any mental and

physical characteristics possible. As well as this, scientists would

also be able to create food, livestock and even grow human transplant

parts on animals that are grown to precise specifications. These could

include food that lasts longer and animals that have more meat, all

this is possible using genetic engineering and that makes genetic

engineering a very controversial topic both in the political and

religious communities.

In my essay I am going to consider whether man should have the power

of god to do this, I will look at the opinions and beliefs of 2

religions and my own personal opinion. The 2 religions will be looking

at are Christianity and Islam.

Christians agree that only god should have the right to manipulate our

genes and characteristics because 'it is wrong to try to make the

earth perfect, only heaven is perfect'. The teaching they would use to

support this is that Christians believe that genetic engineering is

interfering with gods plan and that scientists don't have the

knowledge or wisdom that god possesses, so they aren't 'qualified'

enough to attempt such delicate work.

Muslims also agree that only Allah (god) should have the right to

manipulate our genes and characteristics because 'embryo research

involves abortion'. This is because the Islamic faith is against

abortion as life is seen as a gift from Allah (god). However, Allah

can manipulate our genes etc without using such a sinful method such

as abortion, so still respecting his own laws.

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