Unveiling Operation Sleeping Beauty: A Sci-Fi Tale

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“They say it all began on January 20, 2099, when President Miscavige of the Hubbard Party came into office. That was also the day the government outlawed psychiatry and psychology, along with the Internal Revenue Service. With that in mind, the first sentence Miscavige uttered during his inaugural address was, ‘Operation Sleeping Beauty is a success.’ Then came the monstrous applause from the audience.”
Andy Lee was standing in line at McDonald’s watching the inauguration through his iGlass 9 (in a gold finish, of course) the latest in augmented reality technology. Suddenly, his personal assistant, FEESH (Free-Existing Electronic Signaling Halibut) appeared and dragged Andy out onto the street and into his house. A very startled Andy exclaimed, “What in the meaning of Xenu was that? Is that even in your programming?” Feesh calmly replied, “Listen to me. That new president has just announced that the government has been completely taken over by the Church of Scientology. That could mean the end of the world as we know it.” Andy gave Feesh a quizzical look and questioned, “Well, isn’t that a good thing for a scientologist to be president? The only way to free the Thetans is if the entire world follows the doctrine of the Supreme Messenger. We need the entire world to contribute money to the …show more content…

In the 1980s, the CoS infiltrated the government in the so-called Operation Snow White, which I used for inspiration for “Operation Sleeping Beauty,” in an attempt to subvert governmental authority. The operation was largely successful. That, and recent (successful) hacking attempts against our government, motivated me to focus the story on the incompetence of the government and the apathy of the people. Through the parable of Andy, I hoped to show the world that we need to change our attitudes or we could end up enslaved to a

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