Operation Northwoods False Flag

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Operation Northwoods was perhaps known to be a false flag used to help the U.S. get the power they wanted from different counties. Although the year of 1962 seemed to busy, on March 10 Lincoln E. Bloomfield of MIT submitted a report entitled “A World Effectively controlled by the United Nations: A preliminary study of one form of a Stable Military Environment.” General Lyman Louis Lemnitzer, a chairman of the joint chiefs, filed and said that “Operation Northwoods,” was intended to create “pretexts providing justification for U.S. military intervention in Cuba. Using a false flag, such as “Operation Northwoods,” the government has the ability to play to get what they want by using fake attacks, hijacking airplanes, torching a naval base, sinking …show more content…

“An idea they had was to fly low level U-2 flights over Cuba, with the intention of having one shot down as a pretext for a war” (Ruppe). The joints chiefs had a plan to propose in using the potential death of astronaut John Gleen during the first attempt to put an American into orbit as a false pretext for war with Cuba. Other plans were discussed, one of the ideas the U.S. had was to have friendly Cuban agents start riots near the Guantanamo Base’s main gate to start fires by blowing ammunition up; which would soon spread across the area. “They were planning to land Cuban immigrants that seemed to be friendly in uniform to help stage an authentic look in an attack.” Another plan they had was to burn an aircraft on base to make it look like the aircraft was being sabotaged. Which would put Cuba in a very bad situation and make Cuba look bad. Which is why the U.S. makes these plans just to get the power and control they want. The government had an idea to take down the Cuban government by hijacking aircrafts, sink boats, and use bombs. “Putting plastic bombs in spots that would not injure or kill anyone; but maybe they would have” (Grabianowski). Basically uses fake bombs and fake victims to make it seem that something really did happen; which would be turned around and be blamed on Cuba. “They even conducted an idea to have funerals for mock victims, taking the charade to the next level” (Vatu). See the government can be dirty to get what they

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