Operant Conditioning Vs Classical Conditioning Essay

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Classical conditioning is the learning by association between two stimuli. This process was proposed by John Watson (based off Pavlov’s observations with his dogs). Watson proposed that all aspects of human psychology are patterns of a stimulus and a response. In the beginning stage of classical conditioning an unconditioned or an unlearned behavior produces an unconditioned response. For example, when I contracted food poisoning after eating at a restaurant I displayed classical conditioning. When I acquired food poisoning (unconditioned stimulus), I experienced nausea (an unconditioned response). During conditioning a neutral stimulus, that before would create no response, is associated with the unconditioned stimulus. With my example, it …show more content…

Operant conditioning is learning by association between a behavior and its consequence. BF skinner is known for being the father of operant conditioning, he introduced the idea of reinforcement. This meant behaviors that are reinforced are more likely to be repeated and behaviors that weren’t reinforced will be extinguished. For example, I have experienced operant conditioning through positive reinforcement. When I was in elementary school my teacher had a treasure box and every time a student received a perfect score on an assignment, they earned a prize from the treasure box of their choice. This explains positive reinforcement because it strengthened the behavior (getting favorable grades), by providing a rewarding consequence (an item out of the treasure box). There is also negative reinforcement, which strengthens a behavior by removing a stimulus that is unpleasant following the behavior. Another example of operant conditioning I have experienced is negative punishment. In elementary school the teacher took away my recess because I talked during testing. This shows negative punishment, because it weakens the behavior of talking during testing by taking away my recess. There is also positive punishment, which is adding a negative consequence after an unpleasant

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