Only Underground Railroad

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The only one of the underground was not rail road or underground that was the only way to free the slaves.they use darkness forma disguise. The rail road us 14 lines.they use the route in the northern state. The northern state that slaves went to canada.people promise to free the slaves in canada. The slaves had Charges as a package. The sympathetic group and harriet tubman help when the civil war started to free the slaves.

The only underground railroad was a route to transport runaways slaves to canada. People looking for freedom where dark skin.The only underground railroad wasn't underground or a railroad. The railroad was use to free the slaves.The railroad was used and only things to free some of the slaves when the union army fought …show more content…

When slaves try to run to the north it was not easy.the only underground railroad that was every use to free the slaves.To free the slaves happen in the mids 1800. 1830 people became suspicious and offer a 40,000 to capture harriet tubman.

As the conductor harriet tubman made 19 trips to slaves territory.harriet tubman did get help from the sympathetic person to free over 300 slaves. The runaway resourcefulness and a lot of luck. Some people help many groups that did not care about any colors. People allow her to free a significant amount of slaves to freedom.

The 3,200 people worked on the railroad at the end of the civil war at 1830.they are operated at night to not see the slaves move station to station. The station are like homes and churches. Henry box brown was a slave that got ship to the north by a box.they had many different to ravel not one.

Many financial help was usually raised by sympathetic groups.sympathetic groups travel by train and by boat.Some groups need money for food throughout the journey. The money was used also improving the slaves to change the clothes. The north united to free the slaves and save in the

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