Online Education vs. Traditional Education

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Many students have difficulty choosing an institution to attend. Technology has brought many new ways to earn a degree, which is convenient for many people in modern society. Many students might argue whether online or traditional education is more suitable. Regardless, if a student decides to attend a traditional college or decides to attend online, they are both trying to obtain the same goal; an education. Although traditional education and online education have their own advantages, traditional education offers better communication, opportunities, and flexibility.
Communication is an important life line to students. Online education allows students to communicate globally and internationally, through emails, message boarding, chat rooms, and video conferencing. This is great for students who have short attention spans or for students who don’t like to writing notes during lectures. “Archived video footage and virtual real-time lectures, online assignments and presentations; multimedia has been a part of classrooms-all these have been part of higher education for a while now. However, online education strictly means taking the entire course online via laptop, this is an entirely new experience” (Ghaffari 14). However, it has its own unique challenges and frustrations. With online learning, students often fail to manage their time effectively; falling behind. They also lose interest in their course and they don’t fully understand the material and ideas being communicated.
Regardless of how far technology takes education, there’s no arguing traditional education has value especially when everyone learns differently. With traditional education, students can proactively communicate with their teachers and peers. Which ensures cla...

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... if a student decides to attend a traditional college or decides to attend online, they are both trying to obtain the same goal; education. Many universities offer online and traditional courses, this gives students the opportunity to experience both and decide for themselves which is better. Although traditional education and online education have their own advantages, traditional education offers better communication, opportunities, and flexibility.

Works Cited

Ghaffari, Mohammadreza. "Assessing Online Classes And Traditional Classes." Nature & Science 9.8 (2011): 14-16. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.

Pamuk, Sönmez. "The Need For Pedagogical Change In Online Adult Learning: A Distance Education Case In A Traditional University." University Of Gaziantep Journal Of Social Sciences 11.2 (2012): 389-405. Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Nov. 2013.

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