One Tree Hill Relationships

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Throughout the former nine seasoned television series One Tree Hill, creator and director, Mark Schwahn emphasizes the importance of diverse relationships. Schwahn thoroughly expresses different relationships among main characters. One Tree Hill shows the importance of friendship, brotherhood, and romantic relationships.

The strongest friendship is between Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer. Brooke and Peyton have been friends since elementary school and stayed friends throughout adulthood. During high school, and afterwards, Brooke and Peyton went through drastic changes and dramatic events together. They went through dating Lucas Scott at the same time, being kidnapped in Peyton’s basement the night of their senior prom, and many tragic deaths. They always made it through each situation and remained friends. Though Peyton’s character was removed from the show at the end of season six, she was still referred to and mentioned throughout the last three seasons of the show, mostly by Brooke.

Lucas Scott is the older brother, by three months, of star basketball player Nathan Scott. Lucas and Nathan share the same father, Dan Scott. Nathan lives with Dan most of his life, while Dan has nothing to do …show more content…

Lucas and Nathan go from fighting over a spot on the basketball team, to fighting over Haley, to being best friends. Haley goes from tutoring Nathan for Lucas’ sake, to dating him, to marrying him while in high school, to having a successful life and family together. Mark Schwahn emphasizes these three relationships throughout One Tree Hill to show the importance of the many relationships in life. Schwahn includes friendship, brotherhood, and romantic relationships in the show to explain how relationships with people close to you are the most important thing in your life no matter what you

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