One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest And The Kite Runner

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1.) My target grade for this course was an eighty percent. I am currently one percent above my target grade and I am perfectly content with it. Although, after other tests, this culminating, and the exam I hope to try to aim for an eighty five percent. I am going to try to achieve this goal by studying hard for my exam, going over everything on the review for the exam, and understand every big concept we have learned as well as looking back to my previous tests/quizzes/assignments for some more help. 2.) The strengths from the Academic Information section that I have is reading out loud, analyzing novels, and writing/analyzing poetry. I have used these strengths to my advantage throughout the course especially when we read One flew over the Cuckoo’s nest and The Kite Runner as well as studying poetry at the beginning of the semester. The reason why I think I am strong in these areas is because I truly enjoy learning about these topics and it helps motivate me to pay attention in class and to read everything and take the big ideas into account. These strengths have helped me thrive in this class. The weaknesses that I have in this class is writing essays and doing presentations in front of the class. I feel I have moderately improved on my essay writing, but I just need to …show more content…

But, I have redeemed myself and did not get lower than a seventy throughout the rest of the semester. I am very proud of myself and I have even gotten a few ninety and one hundred percents which has helped me bring my mark up a whole lot. Next time, to make sure that I get higher than a seventy, I should pay more attention in class and main ideas for novels, Shakespeare plays, and other literature. However, I feel that I have done fairly well on this

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