Oncology Personal Statement

539 Words2 Pages

Please explain your interest in the program, the field of oncology, and your long-term career interests. Personal information (Ex: hobbies, personal travel experiences) is not relevant to the selection process. (250 words or fewer)

I first became interested in the field of oncology because cancer is one of the leading causes of death in children. Anyone can be vulnerable to cancer, regardless of age or lifestyle, and the treatment process and the road to recovery, if there is one, can be long and taxing. My interest in the field deepened as I came to appreciate the impact and difference that a physician can make in the lives of patients and families during those times.

Through the MSK summer fellowship, I want to explore the multidisciplinary aspect of oncology research and learn from physician and scientist mentors who are at the forefront of cutting-edge cancer research. The opportunity to see how research translates into patient care through clinical activity portion of the program will be invaluable experience for me going forward. Through the clinical experience, I also hope to deepen my understanding of the complexities of caring for patients with cancer and further …show more content…

It was incredible to hear about the recent advancements, and about the vast areas of unknown that are yet to be investigated. I selected the project on Cardiac Complication of Immunotherapy in Treatment of Cancer because I want to participate and learn more about this rapidly growing area of cancer treatment research. As I study the established cardiac complications and profile new cases, I hope to gain in-depth understanding of the mechanisms of immunotherapy, how the treatment is planned and administered, and the potential causes of cardiac side effects. Additionally, I chose this project because three areas of my interest—oncology, cardiology, and immunology—converge on this

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