On The Road Langston Hughes Analysis

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“On the Road”, by Langston Hughes is a short story that tells of a homeless man (Sargeant) struggling to find shelter from a snowstorm during the Great Depression. Turned away from every relief shelter, Sargeant decides it would be a great ideal to spend the night at a church. However, the church doors are lock. Determined that is the best place for him to sleep he tries to break down the church doors. After much effort, the doors finally break way, but before he could enter, he is pulled back by the police and with the help of by standers. Refusing to give up on his plans to sleep in the church he holds on to a pillar. The police beat him, but Sargeant continue to pull until the church crumbles down on top of them. Sargeant, get out from under …show more content…

After a night sleeps in a hobo jungle, Sargeant decides to get on to a train but is stop and attacked by the police. This attack causes Sargeant to wake up, only to realize that it was all a dream, and that he had been thrown in jail for trying to break in to the church. In Hughes’s “On the Road” the story of the homeless man’s struggle for shelter is only the surface story, in looking at the literally devices use in this beautifully written piece we see there is a much deeper meaning to it all. Showing light in to the prejudice, discriminator and blank behavior found in America. In Langton Hughes’s short story “On the Road”, the harsh reality of racism between Whites and Blacks in America is seen through the use of …show more content…

However, when looking at the literary device of symbols it is clear that it is much more then that. In the symbol of snow, we are able to see the hatred that White Society feels for blacks in America. With the symbolic meaning of a “shut door” and denial of entrance into a church, the discriminator behavior that blacks face is seen, and with the crumbling of a church and the freeing of Christ off the cross we see the wanting of the racial values and views being torn down and blacks in America finally being feed from them. In Langton Hughes’s short story “On the Road”, the harsh reality of racism between Whites and Blacks in America is seen through the use of

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