On Foundations In The Old Regime Analysis

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Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot’s article, On Foundations, in The Old Regime and the French Revolution criticizes the Old Regime's use of charities, as common free assistance to the community of the church or power individuals. Turgot agrees this model for assistance wrecks individual develops and dependability in the workforce. Turgot believes these charities were created only for the church and wealthy individual benefits not the public good. These actions of the Old Regime put less fortunate people at a disadvantage. Turgot accept as true that Foundations do not promote high efficiency in the workplace. He uses Spain and parts of Italy as examples of places with the assistance and states how unhappy in terms of efficiency and poverty.This abuse …show more content…

However, because the foundation is mainly concerned with it’s own cause, and is often not in tune with the changing needs of the general public. Turgot wants the people of France to earn their merit, “you will see emulation take fire immediately in the heart of every family”, as citizens to solve their problem through education and determination. Turgot strives for equal education to guarantee employment. A greater society is one where individuals can do what interest them while supporting family needs to survive with higher education. The greatest accomplishment for a citizen is to create a life that is supported financially from their jobs. Turgot was not a ally of foundations because he wanted more power with the citizens. The foundations greed would lead to the cultural death of humanity to only dependent upon charity. Turgot wants new social order, one where citizens are educated and not holding their hands out for …show more content…

He feels “free associations and voluntary subscriptions of some generous citizens” would be most useful in providing relief when needed. These resources would be temporary and only used where needed in society. This prevents profit from occurring and keeps the focus on the public good. This way, as needs arose resources could be provided accordingly. As for the current foundations Turgot feels their assets should be reallocated, and “they must cease to exist immediately”. It is clear that Turgot was not a supporter of foundations and wanted more power with the citizens. He felt greed resulted with the founders and ultimately would lead to the downfall of society as we created individuals that were dependent upon charity. Turgot offers insight with creating a new society that is educated and non-reliant on charity. His goal is a society that strives on success and

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