Oliver Brown Supreme Court Case Essay

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ABSTRACT: Oliver Brown was born on August 19, 1918 in Springfield, Missouri. Seeing his 8 year old daughter get denied going to a white school motivated him to start a court case and argue about how segregation is breaking the 13th and 14th amendments. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery and was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864; the 14th Amendment was passed by the senate on June 17, 1866 saying that anyone born or naturalized in the U. S is a citizen and has equal rights as anyone. Brown did argue this case in the Supreme Court saying segregation should stop; Brown also argued their children should get equal education as white children. The Supreme Court ruled that public school segregation was unconstitutional. Years later racism and …show more content…

Ferguson was a court case that adopted the law equal but separate. This court case was held on May 18, 1896. Homer Plessy was the plaintiff of this case. He was seven-eighths white and one-eighth black and was arrested for taking a position of a seat in a white-only car and was taken to a trial in a court in New Orleans. They convicted him of violating the 1890 law. He then filed a petition against the judge arguing that the segregation violated the 14th amendment: “This 1896 U.S. Supreme Court case upheld the constitutionality of segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine” (History.com). This court case legally allowed the segregation of people of color and white people. This means that people of color cannot drink from the same water fountain, cannot use the same bathroom, cannot use the same transportation, cannot go to the same school, cannot go to the same hospital, etc…: “The Plessy v. Ferguson ruling, which indicated the federal government would officially tolerate the “separate but equal” doctrine, was eventually used to justify segregating all public facilities, including railroad cars, restaurants, hospitals, and schools” (History.com). All public facilities were segregated so that people of color and white people could not do anything together in

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