Oliver Abuse Quotes

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In the novel Oliver Twist, there are many examples of child abuse including when after Oliver asks for some more food, and then gets not only yelled at, but beaten. “Please, sir, I want some more. The master aimed a blow at Oliver’s head with the ladle, pinioned him in his arms, and shrieked aloud for the Beadle” (Dickens 34). This means that he hit Oliver and then grabbed him in between his arms. This is an example of physical child abuse. Also, later in the book, Oliver gets emotionally abused when he is at Fagin’s house. Fagin’s gang and Oliver are all encouraged by Fagin to drink gin and smoke cigars. This is a horrible thing to do on Fagin’s part. “Oliver ate his share, and the Jew then mixed him a glass of hot gin-and-water: telling him

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