Olds Leningrad Cemetery, Winter Of 1941

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With time, tragedies become statistics. The lives lost culminate to numbers, percentages, and paragraphs in textbooks,and though a recognition of its occurrence becomes universal, an understanding of its severity dies with those who lived it. “Leningrad Cemetery, Winter of 1941” is a literary medium by which the nature of tragedy is transmitted. Set in the post-battle Leningrad, the poem encapsulates the desolation not of war and its aftermath. Paramount in this translation is figurative language. Olds’ use of simile and metaphor in “Leningrad Cemetery, Winter of 1941” allows the reader to understand the incomprehensible horrors of war and, through contrast, the value of life. Olds’ use of nature-related similes allows the reader a greater understanding of man’s worst invention—war. In describing the unburied bodies of the dead, Olds writes “they lay on the soil / some of them wrapped in dark cloth / bound with rope like the tree’s ball of roots / when it waits to be planted.” Uprooted from life but not yet planted in the ground for their eternal rest, the bodies resemble the gnarled nest of exposed tree roots. Tied up and brought under the dominion of man, the otherwise sprawling roots form a crown of thorns, just as the men die in a conflict …show more content…

The deep complexity of its message is furthered by Olds’ use of metaphor. In describing the unburied corpses strewn about the cemetery, she notes a “hand reaching out / with no sign of peace, wanting to come back.” Through indirect metaphor, she is able to not only bring emotion to the stiffness of a frozen hand, but ponder a greater question—whether the “eternal rest” of death is peace at all. Despite the war, despite “the bread made of glue and sawdust,” and despite “the icy winter and the siege,” those passed still long for life. Human cruelty and the horrors of existence permeate even the sanctity of death. In war, nothing is

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