Old Testament Themes Of Idolatry, Social Injustices, And Religious Ritualism

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Running Head: Old Testament Prophets

Old Testament Prophets
Bridney Bohannon
Liberty University
Bible 105 B19 201440

Old Testament Prophets

Some may not pay close attention to the prophet books because they aren't the fun books of the Bible to read. In today’s society man has began to drift away from God’s word and are now beginning to create their own beliefs. The first commandment God said “there will be no other Gods before me.” But when you look closer into these books certain themes become noticeable. The themes of idolatry, social injustices, and religious ritualism. So many people in this generation are so far away from God and have so much hatred and wickedness in their heart.

He Wants …show more content…

Amos lived in the southern kingdom of Judah. God gave Amos instructions to go north to Israel and warn the people that they should stop sinning. When Israel became a very wealthy nation the rich did not use their wealth for good, like to help the poor. The poor people’s cries for justice and help were ignored. Everyone thought that they were very religious, but their actions showed otherwise which can be labeled as sinning. The rich people were so nasty to the poor that is really disgusting. They took the poor people to court and tried to take the little money, which the poor had, away. The rich would bribe the judges so that the judges would rule I their favor. By doing so allowed them to steal from the poor with the approval of the government and power of the courts. It’s amazing how everything is repeating itself. The same events that took place in the bible may very well be taking place in today’s …show more content…

We are still selfish people, and we don't worship as we should because we put other "idols" ahead of our love for the Lord. As we work our way through the books of the prophets, it's clear to see that if we as a people, individually and collectively, could just simply humble ourselves and pray and seek God's grace and turn from our wicked ways, we shall hear from the heavens and Jesus will forgive our sins and restore our land. God wants us to be obedient from the ones who promise to love him. When we respond out of obedience and love for God by worshiping him and only him gladly and whole heartedly, that will flow over into us being a helping hand for others so that we can show the love of God to them. He's given us all the tools to accomplish this. It's up to us to follow through so that we can get our

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