Old Money vs. New Money

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Old Money vs. New Money In regards to wealth, two classifications have been established. The first class is referred to as “old” money and is made up of families that have acquired wealth over many generations, such as the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and the Vanderbilts. On the other side of the wealth spectrum are individuals and families that have acquired money within the last few decades. This type of wealth includes Bill Gates, the Hiltons, and Oprah and it is often referred to as “new” money. While in the eyes of society money is money, the status and respect that comes with it is entirely different, depending on how the wealth is classified. The idea of “old” money is one that stems back to medieval times. It is money that has been established and added to generation after generation. When one stops to think about true wealth, this is often the one that comes to mind. The images of trust fund babies, inheritances, and the prestige of titles are most common. However, it is unfair to discredit those that have become independently wealthy. Yet, while that typ...

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