Old Money In The Great Gatsby Essay

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In the book The Great Gatsby, the old money of the nineteen twenties who had accumulated their splendorous wealth over the course of generations, have always had an advantage over the poor, and people who are just beginning to climb the long strenuous ladder known as the American Dream. When Tom Buchanan is first introduced it is clear he is old money, a man who inherited his wealth from his family. Old money had numerous ways to continue to gain affluence, various people may choose an under the table means to gain economic prosperity, while others choose legitimate (nevertheless still corrupt) monopolies over the downtrodden masses. Those of old money in the book have two fixations in common, power and wealth. Gatsby, the man the story revolves
New money always has and will chase after the old trying to become equal, old money remains as strong as ever, unrelenting, while new money becomes, “dead broke.”

Old money has been an inseparable part of the United States along with many other countries around the globe. The influence brought about through old and great affluence is immeasurable, as those with it are able to control the political and economic systems in most societies. Tom Buchanan, the husband of Nick’s cousin; Daisy, firm and proud eugenicist, is the picture perfect representation of old money. Those of old money, for their legacy to continue being prominent and wealthy, capitalized on the ignorance of the population that they deemed lesser. Continuing to live like old money develops a way to
In the United States of America, most civilians strive to make the revenue required to purchase, what they believe, will truly make them happy. In the greater part of the planet, this is known as the “American Dream”. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is a man that follows his path towards his fantasized version of the American Dream. He was born in the mid-west to a low income family with the ever driving ambition to become greater than what seemed to be a preordained life of poverty. During his numerous years of wondering and world travels he falls upon his green light, Daisy. It seemed he was so fixated on accumulating his wealth for her that at one point “he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and far … he was trembling” towards his green light. (pg 24) At this point Gatsby, is new money, people who struck it rich and were so close to the elite that could almost reach the top. New money even today is usually viewed as reckless and immature, nothing is a better example of this than the extravagant parties thrown at Gatsby’s. He may have been buying attention, but it was never the attention he desired, Gatsby seemed to try to use money to solve all problems and fix everything. Even at the pinnacle of western civilization he was so blinded by wealth that he believed that he could repeat the past with Daisy. At one point to show his assuming

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