Okonkwo Powerful In Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart?

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In the beguiling story, “Things Fall Apart,” an esteemed leader, Okonkwo, earns scrupulousness and fame on his journey to become paramount despite his father’s weakness. Throughout the story, there were several parts that I related to on a spiritual level. One part in particular, was when Okonkwo dominates his family’s lives by being controlling and extremely anesthetized, which reminded me of similar men that I have encountered in my life. Furthermore, Okonkwo loses his temper at exceedingly inappropriate times, which also reminds me of multifarious human beings that I have dealt with. Lastly, the depravity of when Okonkwo gets exiled strongly reminds me of when Napoleon Bonaparte becomes banished as well. Consequently, when Okonkwo acts

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