Oil Upton Sinclair Sparknotes

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Upton Sinclair’s novel Oil is one of his more socialist attacks on corporate power, labor suppression, government corruption and corporate control of war, universities, and Hollywood. The novel was written during the Harding administration Teapot Dome Scandal set in World War I and 1920s era, in the early California oil fields. In Oil, Sinclair dramatizes the Oil boom years through perspective of Bunny Ross the son of a rich oil entrepreneur. Bunny’s idolizes his father J. Arnold Ross early in the novel, with his rags to riches story going from being a former mule driver who got lucky and made fortune in California oil. Dad wants to his son to become well educated on the oil business, which gives insight to readers about oil drilling in the …show more content…

The novel does a great job of bringing in the reader and showing them Dad’s rags to riches story and Bunny’s views shifting and the conflicts that arise between them. Dad isn’t the stereotypical oil man but a hardworking sentimentalist, who consistently argues with Bunny about politics and him becoming a oil man but then breaking down to give money to get Bunny’s friends out of …show more content…

But you also see him still enjoying the lifestyle of being the son of a wealthy oil man by reading about high class parties where young women are flirting with him, then back to being apart of the socialist with his friend Rachel Menzies and her family who are garment workers. Sinclair loves to poke fun at different targets and a couple in this book has to do with religion and Hollywood. Paul has a younger brother named Eli who has a spiritual calling and rises to fame as an evangelist known as “The Messenger of the Second Coming.” One story about Eli was when he disappeared and people thought he had drowned in the ocean but then he reappears weeks later claiming it as a miracle. Bunny soon learns the truth was cause Eli was having a romantic affair that could ruin his reputation as a preacher. When learn that Eli, in fact is a womanizer, hypocrite, and

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