Ohio Drug Problem Research Paper

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The problem that I will be addressing is the drug epidemic that is severely affecting Ohio. I have learned a lot about this widespread problem. From the programs I have been apart of such as: Ohio Teen Ambassador Board sponsored by the Attorney General's office,Sandusky County Crime Prevention Summit, and volunteering with recovering homes. I have received all my information on this subject from various credible sources. Such as: the Ohio Attorney General Office, different County's statistics and information, the news, and various articles that were done by legal firms, and families that have gone through this problem or that have lost someone from this horrific epidemic. I have also heard some survivors talk to about their struggles through this low point in their life.I heard them talk at my school, programs I'm apart of, and at a city meeting. …show more content…

For example: I said that there needs to be much more awareness for this problem starting in the schools. Starting as early as in elementary school because the way to solve any problem is to bring awareness of the problem it's self. Also, starting the education on this earlier will help prevent them of even trying these drugs, because the main age range of starting addicts starting around 12 or 13 years old (7th or 8th grade). So, if we started education on this in middle school like most think, then it's already to late.Because our youth are already getting targeted by local drug dealers, and they don't know the dangers of their actions. Another valid reason I suggested for education on the drug issue in elementary school, because during ages in elementary they are more susceptible to accepting these

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