Officer Michael T. Slager Case Summary

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Officer Michael T. Slager age 33, a five year veteran on the police force, with North Charleston police department in South Carolina .,was charged with the murder of Mr.Walter Scott. Slager is married with a baby on the way. Slager only had one reported internal affair case which he was exonerated. It was said that Slager tased a black male who was a witness in a burglary call and used aggressive force.
Officer Slager lied on his police report about the whole incident before the video surfaced on Tuesday. Officer Slager stated that he feared for his life because Mr. Scott tried to take his stun gun in a scuffle after a traffic stop on Saturday. Officer Slager also lied and said he performed CPR on Mr.Scott. When the video showed the facts …show more content…

no officer preformed CPR on Mr.scott, while he lay face down handcuffed, but they lied and said they did.
The medical examiner stated Mr.scott was shot five times, three times in the back, once in the upper buttocks and once in the ear, with at least one of the bullets entering his heart.
The state of South Carolina does have capital punishment, which is also death penalty. I hope Officer Slager gets the death penalty, this type of behavior cannot continue. There are laws that police officer has to adhere to as well as the public. police officer is giving oats to protect and served, we are not above the law. Incident like this give the good police officers a bad name. This whole situation could've been avoided, only if officer stayed within departmental policy.
Like the mayor said whether you wear the shied or not, you make a bad decision than you must pay the consequence.
This indeed was a bad choice that officer Slager made, whenever you make a deadly choice to take someone's life you should be ready for the consequences that's

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