Office Referral Data Analysis

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This study is an analysis of office referral data and trends over a three year period at Lacy Elementary School. The data were organized by disciplinary incidents and actions, and then broken down by gender and ethnicity of the students. Six categories were shown for each disciplinary action to represent gender and ethnicity: White Male (WM), White Female (WF), Hispanic Male (HM), Hispanic Female (HF), Black Male (BM) and Black Female (BF). After analyzing the data presented, I will recommend a professional development training for the staff of Lacy Elementary. Data Analysis for Office Referrals Table 1 is a summary of office referrals for disciplinary incidents. The data indicate that the general trend of most incidents is a decrease over the past three years. However, five categories have shown a substantial increase in incidents between 2004 and 2007: Student assault …show more content…

As with the office referral rates, the majority of disciplinary actions are given to Black male students, with an exception for students expelled for weapons (1 student per year in both 2004-2005 and 2006-2007, and both students being White males). “Other” disciplinary actions and out-of-school suspensions have increased over the past three years. Overall, both in-school and out-of-school suspensions are the most common form of disciplinary action, though the rate of in-school suspensions has decreased. It is also interesting to note that though the incidence of corporal punishment decreased over three years, 93.94% of the 33 cases of corporal punishment in 2006-2007 were Black students. This distribution is much more uneven than in 2004-2005 (89 incidents: 61.79% Black students, 6.74% Hispanic students, and 31.46% White students) and 2005-2006 (60 incidents: 73.33% Black students, 3.33% Hispanic students, and 23.33% White

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