Of Mice And Men Justified Essay

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In John Steinbeck’s novella, Of Mice and Men, George’s decision to kill Lennie was not justified. George and Lennie are best friends even though Lennie has a mental illness. At the start of the book, Lennie holds on to a lady’s dress not thinking much of it, but the lady thought he was trying to rape her. George and Lennie had to leave town and get new jobs so they show up for work at a ranch. Towards the end of the book, Lennie grabs a lady’s hair whose husband works on the farm. She screams and cries and Lennie, who doesn’t know how strong he is, holds his hands over her mouth and accidentally breaks her neck killing her. He runs away to some brush that George told him to go to if he did something bad and the farmworkers went after him. …show more content…

One reason why George was wrong was because Lennie didn’t harm anyone on purpose. He had a mental illness and didn’t know how strong he was. At the end of the book, he killed Curley's wife by shaking her not knowing she would die. As said on pages 117-118 “Candy said, “He’s such a nice fella. I didn’ think he’d do nothing like this.” George still stared at Curley’s wife. “Lennie never done it in meanness,” he said. “All the time he done bad things, but he never done one of ‘em mean.”” Lennie is a nice person and didn’t try to kill her because he was mean, he did it accidentally. His close friends and the people that surrounded him knew that he had a good heart and good intentions. He was just incapable of understanding his limits and the dangers he posed to other people. Another reason why George shouldn’t have killed Lennie is because it was Lennie's life and George should not have made this decision for him. Lennie trusted George and went to the brush where he thought he would be safe with him. George found him because that is where he told Lennie to go. Before George killed him, he made Lennie believe they were going to live a nice life together and he would get to tend the rabbits. He led him on and made him think that everything would be okay. Then, he shot him. Lennie could’ve lived to his fullest potential if he had the opportunity to, but George took that away from him. …show more content…

Wise from “Ohio Man’s Shooting of Ailing Wife Raises Questions About Mercy Killings” killing his sick wife. One day, Mr. Wise came home to see his wife choking and vomiting in the bathroom and was suffering from a triple aneurysm. Mr. Wise shot his wife in the head while she was in the hospital to end her suffering but this was not justified. Mr. Wise made the decision himself to kill his wife and that is not acceptable. As said on the first page of the article “He put a gun to her left temple and pulled the trigger.” He took the life away from another human being whether she was suffering or not. Another reason why Mr. Wise’s decision was unjust is because he made his wife suffer even more. He shot her on the side of her head but she did it die until the next morning. Page 3 of the article states “Mr. Wise tried frantically to unjam his gun, especially after he learned that his wife was still alive. (She died the next day.)” He tried to end his wife’s suffering but made it even worse. The “Ohio Man” should not have killed his wife just like how George should not have killed

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