Of Mice And Men Flaws

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The movie Of Mice and Men is a great movie overall, with lots of different morals and points of view. The movie starts when the girl in the red dress is running from George and Lennie, who want to clear up the misunderstanding that Lennie created grabbing her dress. Through the course of the movie, almost all bad things that happen revolve around how stupid Lennie(John Malkovich) is, and ultimately foreshadowing his biggest mistake. First he grabbed the girl in the red dress, and misled her to believe he was doing something much worse than admiring her dress. Then he almost killed his work partner. After that he crushed Curley’s hand. Even after that he killed the puppy, and Curley’s wife followed. But he never did any of these things on …show more content…

Curley just liked to show her off to the others at the ranch, and have an extra reason to act and be better that everyone else. Curley’s wife, however, didn’t like Curley at all. The only reason she had married him was so she could get out of her home town. She also knew that everyone else thought she was pretty, and so she regularly went around, pretending to look for Curley, when really she was just flirting with whoever was in the general area. This is the main reason that she got herself killed, because she tried flirted with a man who didn’t know his own strength, although it was also Lennie’s fault for trying to make her stop screaming. Curley, though didn’t know how little his wife cared for him, was outraged that Lennie killed his wife, although he probably thought of her more like a jewel that was shattered. Candy described Curley as “He’s like all small guys. Hates big Guys.” Quote from Of Mice and Men. I think that Curley’s wife proved to add an isolation theme to the film. The hook of the movie was also interesting, as it was different from the book. The book started at the small pond, describing in detail everything there. In the movie, however, Lennie and George are shown running away from the guys chasing them, because of the girl in the red dress. I think this is because the director wanted the movie to have a movie sort of beginning, …show more content…

I the scene where Lennie broke Curley’s hand, there was a lot of blood. The camera also zoomed into the bloody hand inside Lennie’s fist. It was disgusting, but it was also sad when the camera showed Curley’s terrified, pained face. It created a gruesome and out-of-control feeling. After that, the director used imagery to create a combination of sad, lonely and peaceful after George shot Lennie in the last scene. George was sad that he no longer had his friend with him to confront the world, and he was lonely now that he wasn’t standing beside Lennie, who was ignorant, sweet, and always took the worst things about life away from him. But it was also peaceful, because the restlessness of taking care of Lennie’s problems was gone, and everything was still, except for George; he was crying and screaming in sadness and

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