Of Mice And Men Figurative Language Essay

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Many books on the market today have no message and no real story. They are often romance novels or books about sex and drugs. Stories like these create no connection between the reader and the novel. To create a good connection you need to have characters you can relate to in a per0matter. A connection is super important for a story to be exceptional. John Steinbeck is a marvellous writer who uses figurative writing, foreshadowing and imagery to create a strong connection between the reader and the world of “Of Mice and Men”. These techniques are used to make a book more interesting and Steinbeck uses them to a greater advantage. For instance figurative writing is used a lot in “Of Mice and Men”. Figurative language is an important part of the story. It gives the reader a way to establish connections from the book to something they personally know. Metaphors and similes are the two most common ways that figurative writing is used. Steinbeck uses metaphors, personification and similes to write about the events and characters he created. With this he is able to make the reader empathize how a situation or character feels. One line in his book states “Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water…” (Steinbeck, 3). …show more content…

In the novel “Of Mice and Men” foreshadowing is used in every even that happens. If you look closely you can see that Steinbeck puts in little words or gestures that can be used to predict what is going to happen in the end of a novel. To illustrate this fact, an event in the novel that creates foreshadowing is when George consistently tells Lennie where to hide if something is to go wrong. “Hide in the bush till I come for you. Can you remember that?” (Steinbeck, 15). By George repeating this to Lennie, you can predict that something is going to happen. This instance is only one of the many Steinbeck has incorporated into his

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