Of Mice And Men Analysis

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The Outcomes of Loneliness Loneliness is a disease that conquers the mind and determines one’s destiny through a series of uncontrollable attitudes. This particular infection reaches the Master at Arms and Lennie and redirects their lives to an unfortunate and deadly ending. The movie, Billy Budd and the book “Of Mice and Men’’, shows the effects of loneliness, not only on an individual's life, but the life of everybody around them. Through the seclusion of the Master of Arms and Lenny, one can see how it brought both characters to an inevitable expiration, prompted by the debatable topic of law vs. justice. The Master at Arms, John Claggart, an independent, proud and authoritative man whose role on the ship is similar to a ship policeman, keeping the “peace” and order amongst shipmates. The quiet, yet aggressive, attitude displayed by the Master at arms was an outcome of the intense loneliness he adopted. Throughout the movie, “Billy Budd”, there were myriad hints about the Master of Arm’s past being disrupted in such a way that caused this …show more content…

In “Of Mice and Men”, Lennie was unaware of his own strength, resulting in the death of Curly’s wife, but the law was against him and the best option George had was to end Lennie’s life in the most humane way before Curly sought revenge .In the movie, “Billy Budd”, the anger the Master of Arms caused Billy Budd, led the kind hearted young man to befuddle his words provoking Billy to become so full of anger that he struck and killed Mr. Claggart. A ship executive meeting was held to discuss the fate of Billy. The components of the arguments were law versus justice, recognizing the set in place consequence by law and the practical justice which was common knowledge to the executive committee. In both the book and movie, law seemed to have won, even when everyone else was aware of the justice that should have been

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