Of Maria Konnikova's Article How Facebook A Friend Or A Foe?

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Facebook: A friend or a foe?
As technology progress, humans evolve to the advanced technology and enhance our lives via technology. We connect to our families, friends and others through social media such as Facebook. Social media takes up a huge part in our lives. Social media infest us with information that is significant and insignificant to us. In the journalist Maria Konnikova’s article “How Facebook makes us unhappy?”, Konnikova divulges many aspects of people on social media through researching and experience, and finds how social makes us unhappy. She assumes that Facebook is playing a huge role in electronic communication.. I agree with Konnikova findings after reading her article. In addition, she concludes that if you are engaged, active, and creative you will not sorrowful on Social media. However, if you are passively browsing and refuse to engage, you will be depressed.
Facebook helps people to share their information to others through posting and photon on his or her Facebook wall. Dr. Marry Marrow syntheses her findings about Facebook and wrote, “Social media; staying connected.” She mentions that Facebook can bring …show more content…

Hill and other researchers recite, “Teens enact feeling rules and engage in emotion work as they (re)create the culture and navigate the dynamic sociality and social structure of social network sites”(para 67). This quote means that engaging on social networking can direct productive and progressive structure of social network sites. The interaction through Facebook causes certain users can freely speak,post message, and like and comment posts about they want to reveal to the world. As a result they are contributing to the society and refining it. As our predecessor said words are powerful than words. Swords can change a nation but words can revolutionize the world a better

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