Oedipus Rex Research Paper

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Oedipus Rex is considered to be one of the world’s greatest tragedies written by an ancient greek playwright named Sophocles. His prophecy for a man to kill his father, wife, and mother. Furthermore, as his parents tried to stop it, they unknowingly caused it. Also, the various symbols that Sophocles exemplifies throughout the tragedy help illustrate that fate is inevitable, and the truth will always prevail. In the play, at a young age Oedipus had his feet pierced by his mother, in order to ensure that the prophecy wouldnt come true. Due to the incident, Oedipus had developed scars on his feet along with the nickname, “swollen foot” after he had survived when his mother left him to die. The messenger states, “I cut the bonds that tied your …show more content…

In my opinion, this symbol represents the good side of things (day) as well as, the bad sides of things (night). Earlier in the play, Oedipus is now lashing out and showing his rage towards Teiresias. This is happening because Teiresias insists on telling Oedipus about his knowledge of the crime committed. Furthermore, Teiresias is trying to tell Oedipus that he only sees the night which symbolizes that he is on the darkside as oppose to Teiresias and his people who only see the light in things. Also in the text, Oedipus tries to strike fear into the heart of not only Teiresias but his people as well, by attempting to threaten them with a curse. In the text Sophocles writes, “You child of endless night! You cannot hurt me or any other man who sees the sun.” (Sophocles 1. 359-369). In this quote Teiresias is accusing Oedipus of only seeing the dark due to current actions leading up to this point. Although, Teiresias can only see the light he cannot hurt anyone due to the fact that he is blind. This quote reveals why is chose Light versus Darkness to be a symbol. Sophocles later than writes, “But the double lash of parents’ curse will whip you. Out of this land some day, with only night.” (Sophocles 1.(405-406). This quote supports the first and the second symbols for various reasons. However, this represents how the darkness will

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