Odysseus Is A Hero Essay

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Let it be known that what is said here will be put best at the end of this essay, but let it be know the statement is that Odysseus is indeed a hero. It shall be said time and time again, but to decide for yourself you as a reader need to finish this before judging what you will think. The reason why this was stated is to avoid anyone’s prejudices. Now on to how we can say that one is a hero, well let’s put it this way no one can be a hero without fitting the definition of a hero. So let’s now look at the situation of a hero.

To say anyone is a true hero there must be a showing that he can be a representation of a true hero, one must have been, of is going through the hero's journey, and needs to be a person who does what is right. As a …show more content…

With Odysseus he starts to cheat on his wife, he starts to become a man who can only think of himself, and he overreacts to problems all the time. With the first part Odysseus does cheat on his wife with Calypso, and Circe. From this we can show that he has an odd set of moral standards, he does have a tendency to be a villain, however once again we do have to see that he has been put in his situation by another for a majority of the time. Even though Odysseus does enjoy his time with Circe he still had started with another intention, he needed to save his men. For the next part we see the great Odysseus take up his time with the woman Calypso, with Calypso he had not even had a choice he stayed long enough to be with her before he had known he could not leave but he still tried, he had the intention to return to his wife because he loved her, and wanted to see his son. We could say he just wanted to be with his wife to stop her from being unfaithful, but he still was going through the understanding that he had told her she had to at a certain point, and knew that with the time she may look or act

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