Odysseus Fighting with his Allies

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For ten years the great Odysseus has been fighting alongside his allies in Troy, witnessing the horrors of war. Unfortunately, his journey home becomes an enduring trial filled with adversity and temptation and at times delivers sights worse than any battle scene. Odysseus, a war legend and wise man, must face monsters, muses, and gods who test him along the way and bear limitless catastrophes for him. Throughout his journey from Troy to Ithaka, Odysseus must struggle against the limitations of his human nature – specifically against pride, sensuality, and the temptation of curiosity.

Temptation comes in many forms; however, it reveals itself as Odysseus’s craving for curiosity and results in difficult, potentially harmful decisions. Curiosity has a powerful effect on human beings and does not always have favorable circumstances. Odysseus, himself, realizes the truth as “temptation had its way” (Homer 166) on his crew and because of their curiosity they were blown away from the nearby destination and back to Aiolia. Additionally, as Odysseus and his crew travel past the enchanting S...

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