Ocean Exploration Research Paper

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Did you know 50 percent of the United States of America is beneath the surface? Ocean exploration is more beneficial to the United States than space exploration. Ocean exploration is probably more beneficial to the world because 72% of the Earth is the ocean. Ocean exploration is favorable because oceans give us tons of from resources such as uranium, iron, copper, lead, etc. Also the ocean helps humans survive because it provides with oxygen and helpful resources. It can us help humans gain knowledge and other sources such as medical drugs and energy. The global ocean helps humans survive in many ways and we should discover many ways. The Arctic Ocean has many useful resources. Below shallower parts of the ocean, lie massive deposits of coal, oil, and natural gas. Also there is iron, copper, lead, and uranium. The resources in the Arctic Ocean help the economy. They are used by people everywhere and help us survive. According to NOAA, “Unlocking the mysteries of deep sea ecosystems can reveal new sources for medical …show more content…

The deeper you go, more pressure presses against the sub. According to Patrick J. Kiger, “In addition to the ever-present danger, deep-sea explorers also must learn to cope with varying degrees of discomfort.” What this argument does not take into account is deep sea explorers maintain an impressive safety record despite all the risks. Robert Ballard has never had an accident and he has been diving for about 50 years. Ocean exploration benefits humans because the global ocean supports human life. The ocean provides valuable assets to humans that help us live. Additionally, ocean exploration helps us gain knowledge about other sources and more about the ocean. If scientists keep exploring the ocean, life will have tons of valuable resources and knowledge. Scientists can explore the ocean easier with more expertise about the ocean and that can create advances in people’s lives

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