Ocean Descriptive Writing

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The gleaming rays of yellow sun peered through the thick grey clouds, the sand was still dampened with moisture. A soft breeze blew through the thick dunes, lifting up small clumps of sand as it gently caressed the moist land. I could feel the thick moisture in the humid summers air, sitting beneath my umbrella as small parcels of sweat began to stream down my face. Harrison stood up and saidwith excitment “hey wanna go for a swim”. My face lit up with joy and without hesitation I accepted his offer. We began making our way down to the water, trudging our feet as they sunk in the heavy brown sand. Standing at the edge of the shore, letting the water wash away the sand that had been lodged in between my toes. Relaxation took hold of my mind as the murky green water softly cleansed my burning pale …show more content…

“Come out, it’s too dangerous” she repeatedly shrieked, but all I could hear was the ambient sound of waves crackling onto shore. I glanced up as I saw Harrison depart from the water and reappear on the dark sand. I vigorously thrusted my body towards the shore, fighting off the current as it pushed me back outwards. I could hear crackling as a wave started to form behind me. I ceased to look back but in an instance I was fully submerged under the murky green water, as my body was flailing around the seafloor like wet clothes in a dryer. Seconds felt like hours as an immense feeling of fear circulated through my mind. I could feel the tremendous pain in my skull as my head shattered into large stones that scattered like puzzle pieces along the sea floor. I emerged from this horror scanning the shore as tiny droplets of blood trickled down my cheek and splashed into the water. I tried to yell but only empty gasps of desperation were released from my cracked salty lips. In the shallow water I lie, barely conscious, clinging on to any sort of strength I still

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